Appreciate high sensitivity
Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? As if everything was too much, too loud, too loud for you? An annoyed look or an inharmonic mood in the room and it seems as if your own world is breaking down. Shopping centres, crowds, shopping tours are not an inspiring experience, but rather a martyrdom.
For the first time I came into contact with the term high sensitivity, and it fell like scales from my eyes. For the first time, I felt that someone could understand me or explain what I was feeling and what was going on inside me if I wanted to adapt to the majority again full of excessive demands. At last there was a name for what I had been pushing away, playing over or even trying to overcome completely for years. It was like a liberation blow, because it allowed me to get to know myself better.
Normal everyday situations, which were completely normal and unspectacular for my friends and family, caused me to become completely stressed, restless and even panic-stricken. And I always condemned myself for being again so unstable and sensitive, so quickly overtaxed. I had no idea that my environment only perceived a small part of the information I was processing.
However, I tried again and again to concentrate better, to adapt to the needs of the majority, to grit my teeth together and to endure some situations. It often went well for a while, but at regular and certain intervals there were breakdowns and panic attacks. No doctor could tell me what was wrong with me. I finally withdrew more and more, because I was less and less able to adapt.
At the same time, however, I could always see from myself how well I could feel into people and tell them exactly what they needed. I noticed that I often felt exactly what my counterpart felt. I saw when someone was not telling the truth and of course I also took in many negative moods from the surroundings.
I began to avoid events, crowds, train rides, flights. All that I could not assess. But that was not the solution. According to doctors, I fell into a kind of depression. As always, I felt out of place in this world where people were loud, insensitive and often rude. Many psychotherapies helped me for a short moment, but nobody told me that it could be that I absorb too much information in my perception. It was put on the hormones, on a psychosis, my brain waves examined, speculated about all sorts of things, and in the end the diagnosis ADS. If I hadn’t listened to my feeling that I should continue my research, I would be on antidepressants or Ritalin today.
Does anyone see themselves here again?
In 1997 the psychologist Elaine Aron coined the term “High sensitive person”.
C.G. Jung already dealt in his studies with the unusual phenomenon of the increased sensitivity of some people.
Until now, however, it seemed that this particular expression was more of a curse than a blessing.
First of all I would like to explain what the distinctive form of feeling is all about.
People who are highly sensitive do not really absorb more information from their surroundings. Less sensory impressions are filtered out of perception. This is why there is a permanent sensory overload in everyday life. If one is still very empathetic to this, has an emotional sensitivity, these people can feel other people pronounced and almost “read”. They are especially gifted in clairvoyance. Mediality and all paranormal abilities. Therefore they are mostly active in or interested in healing professions. At the beginning this gift is usually seen as unpleasant, uncanny or even embarrassing and therefore hidden. One sees this gift rather as a curse than a blessing.
But it is precisely these gifts that form a wonderful basis for a successful coach, therapist, healer or consultant.
Of course these people have to adapt their lives accordingly and recognize, get to know and train their abilities. Learning to differentiate information and to classify that it comes from chaos to structure.
They either adapt to society, take medication to “endure” it and numb themselves, or they adapt their lives to these circumstances and live their gift as a gift they have received here on earth.
Therefore I would like to enlighten in this area in particular and show people a different view of this phenomenon. More and more children are being prescribed Ritalin because they are considered conspicuous. But here, too, this conspicuousness should be viewed from several angles. People may begin to get to know and understand themselves and their differences. Then life becomes simply wonderful in this sensitivity.