Spiritual Surgery
Spiritual surgery is a very intense and effective method of trance healing by connecting a medium with the spiritual world.
An operation, which can be compared to an aura surgery, frees the energy field and thus our soul from old burdens, blockades or beliefs. It cleanses the chakras and removes the fixed blocking and low vibrating frequencies that we have produced through trauma, experience or our own thought structures, or that we have absorbed from our environment. The whole energy system can be revived and brought into harmony and the aura can be restored to its healthy form.
Thus we are again able to act from our own center and from ourselves and to master life without being controlled by subliminal energies within us.
In order to be able to perform a spiritual operation or aura surgery, the medium must be in a very high vibration and surrender completely to the spiritual world. Then these healing vibrations can work through us and perform this operation so that everything can return to divine harmony.
This is only possible through the learning of certain states of consciousness and also requires a detachment of one’s own active action. This high vibration also allows matter to change so that it is physically effective and perceptible.
Old, negative “programs” can be deleted and overwritten with new ones.
During a spiritual operation I connect with my spiritual guide and work only as a medium for the spiritual world. I see in images and get the information how to step into an energetic operating room full of light and love and connect with all the working healers in the spiritual world.
Depending on what is needed in each session, the aura is surgically opened, energetic ballast removed and released and filled with what is needed for healing.
Through this high vibration, which flows through my body, it is possible to work in the aura of the client and to bring healing with the power and knowledge of the beings on a deep level.
During the treatment the client can tingling, warmth, energy flows, but also physically perceptible, slight pain feel and depending on readiness also receive own pictures of the operation. Negative and destructive energy fields are removed and the disorder is brought back into balance mentally and physically.
This can cause an initial aggravation, as one is confronted with old ballast and feelings or experiences.
Since each person brings unique and individual themes, no healing promise can be made. It is also impossible to say how many operations are necessary to regain full strength. This will turn out in the course of these treatments and is a longer process, which goes along with a consciousness change.
After a spiritual operation, at least three days of rest should be allowed, as the body wants to recover from it. Only then can it take full effect. You should compare it to an operation in which you also allow yourself a healing time. In this healing phase not much should be said, media like television, magazine, radio should be renounced and also nothing should be given to input like information from books into us. We should be completely with ourselves and deal with our soul and our own connection to the spiritual world.
It is nice to write down what is shown to us and what happens to us. This is also a wonderful opportunity to remember afterwards. And when we consciously perceive and enjoy the process of this healing, this time lets us grow intensively.
It is important to accept everything and let it happen.
Crying… laughing…. writing down new ideas and visions and above all it is important to write down what the spiritual world wants to tell us.
Before a spiritual operation either an intensive preliminary discussion, an aura reading or a trance healing must have preceded the preparation.
This is an important prerequisite as the energy field has to be prepared for this and thus your own connection to the spiritual world is established. Through this I recognize and can be sure that there is a serious readiness.
incl. telephone follow-up after the healing phase ca. 90 minutes 160,- Euro